
Donnerstag, 3. April 2014

Honouring the winner! The 'Be creative contest' has ended.

We have asked you to give your creativity free rein and to send us your ideas under the motto: ‘Tierisch Coppelianisch’ (Beastly coppelianic). Drawings, music, photos, stories, you’ve expressed your ideas in a lot of ways and now I’m finally able to present you the three winning places.
At our Facebook page ‘Coppeliania’ you can find all the contributions, that were send to us. You were able to choose your favourites by clicking ‘like’. And now here they are, the three most liked contributions to the ‘Be creative contest’:

The first place goes to: contribution number 11: Lina, “The Kraken Wakes


wins this Oktopelius

and a voucher of 15 euros that can be used at the Krämerladen

The second place goes to: contribution number 1: Britta, “Coppelianische Tiere

wins this ‘Mumpitz’ flag chain

and a voucher of 10 euros that can be used at the Krämerladen 

The third place goes to: contribution number 14: Mara, “Dampfbetriebene Spinne

wins this ‘Mumpitz’ rosette

and a voucher of 5 euros that can be used at the Krämerladen

And here is the summary of all contributions:

Lina, "The Kraken Wakes"  75 Likes

Britta, "Coppelianische Tiere"   65 Likes

Mara, "Dampfbetriebene Spinne" 46 Likes

Romy, "Comte Lapin Blanc"   36 Likes

Carolin, "Leolindorf"   27 Likes

Clara, "DaKrak-O"   22 Likes

Gaby, "10kleine Lemminge"   19 Likes

Comte Caspar, "Das dampfbetriebene Spinnchen (2014)"  17 Likes

Anne, "Pop Up Bühne" 11 Likes
Sarah, "Coppelius hilft"-Handpuppen"  11 Likes

Carolin, "Karneval der Tiere"   9 Likes
Martin, "Coppelianischer Zirkus" 9 Likes

Beate, "Coppelianischer Ball"  8 Likes

Melina, "Coppelian Cat Cellist"   6 Likes

Karen, "Winterlicher Waldspaziergang"   5 Likes

Thanks to all the participators for the marvellous contributions!

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